Resetting or updating passwords for Drupal users in command line
drush user-login username
command or it's alias
drush uli username
will display a one-time login URL to login the specified account. The output is a URL like:
After logging in using this URL, the user it NOT required to change the password.
To generate one time login for user #1 fire up just
drush uli
drush sqlq "SELECT name, pass FROM users WHERE uid = 1;"
command will output something like:
name pass
Developer $S$DW9QZxPm5DWDfYxNDEiKfM08XPClb1tjcMo8bu01m6SvZH8FmzWs
Then you can update a password for this user with:
drush upwd Developer --password=secretpassword
If you want to revert to the old password then run:
drush sqlq "update users set pass='$S$DW9QZxPm5DWDfYxNDEiKfM08XPClb1tjcMo8bu01m6SvZH8FmzWs' where uid = 1;"
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